
Posts Tagged ‘clutter control’

Grocery lists, to do lists, inventory lists, wish lists, guest lists, etc. – they seem to fill our lives, but what would we do without them? Would we stay focused on what we have to accomplish, if we didn’t have any lists? Would we feel satisfied at the end of the day, if we didn’t have anything checked off? Would we realize the magnitude of our lives – our organization, abilities, collections, thoughts, and everything else we put down on our lists? Love them or hate them, everyone makes lists.

#1 – 100 Calories
If eating a tad bit healthier and watching your weight are part of your New Year’s resolutions, then browse through this list of 88 Unexpected Snacks Under 100 Calories. Not all items are on the super healthy list, but there are some great ideas and recipes worth trying.

#2 – Does Your Clutter Control You or Do You Control Your Clutter?
Hmmm . . . that’s an interesting question for me and my fellow pack rats. I’d like to claim that I’m in control of my clutter, but as I look around my desk, I think the clutter won. Demanding Joy, a lovely blog to visit, has a list of 60 Ways to Get Organized & Take Control of Your Life. Much of it is common sense and needed reminders. Other aspects deal with prioritizing and breaking down daunting jobs to doable tasks. So if you’re motivated to start out the New Year more organized, check out this list!

#3 – New Life for Old Yoga Mats
If you are a devout student of yoga, you may wear out your yoga mat over the years of study. The question is: What do you do with your old mat? It seems counter to the yoga culture to toss it away, so that it can become part of a giant landfill and take centuries to decompose. Need a few ideas? Check out these 20 Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Yoga Mats.

#4 – Elliptical Machine Mistakes
Are you an elliptical machine junkie? Well, if you are, you might want to read about the Top 10 Mistakes You Make on the Elliptical Trainer. How many are you guilty of?

#5 – Wanted
“When I see the Ten Most Wanted Lists . . . I always have this thought: If we’d made them feel wanted earlier, they wouldn’t be wanted now.”
Eddie Cantor

Enjoy this last weekend in January!

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