
Posts Tagged ‘D.M. Dellinger quote’

The holidays are right around the corner: Hanukkah begins on the 21st, Christmas, of course, is on the 25th, and Kwanzaa is on the 26th. There’s still so much to do, so many people to see and so many ways to help others. Check out the links on today’s Friday’s Fresh Five! – help and inspiration is just a click away!

#1 – Charities
Giving to others during this holiday season is a kind and generous action, but be sure to check out the charities before you donate. If you want to check the legitimacy of a charity, go to the Better Business Bureau’s charity page or go to the nonprofit American Institute of Philanthropy. Although it puts a damper on the spirit of giving, it’s wise to do your homework before you give.

#2 – Life Is a Gift
Feeling like you need to refocus or regain perspective on your life? Here’s a brief video that will give you a boost.

#3 – WHOLE FOODS to the Rescue!
WHOLE FOODS has a page on its website that is devoted to gifts from the kitchen. You’ll find recipes for Apple Almond Gingerbread, Hot Chocolate Buttons, Sweet and Smokey Popcorn and Nut Mix, Sweet Potato Apple Dog Treats, and a WHOLE lot more. Another nice touch is that WHOLE FOODS also provides a link to a printable gift tag for each recipe!

#4 – Oh, Christmas Tree
Is “creativity the mother of invention” or is “necessity the mother of invention”? I think either saying fits the bill in this story about a frugal town in Lithuania. City officials asked an artist to help them with their holiday decorating. Appreciating the shortage of city funds, the artist created a huge 13-meter tall Christmas tree constructed from some 40,000 recycled bottles and zip ties! Lit from inside at night, it is a beautiful sight to behold and a wonderful testament to the creative spirit.

#5 – My Wish for You
“This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!”
– D.M. Dellinger

Have a wonderful weekend!

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